






I found taking a gap year particularly useful, not so much for my course at university but more for the independence required to live away from home in a self-sufficient manner. I worked in a hospital in Ghana for two months in various departments of the hospital. I happened to work in the HIV/ TB clinic for a week or so and this came in handy with my course, cellular molecular medicine.

I do believe however that a gap year can be particularly helpful if the appropriate work experience can be gained and sought out. Working in the hospital was a life experience so even though it was n ot helpful to my course I couldn't say it wasn't helpful at all, far from it. However to reiterate my point that a gap year helped me stand on my own two feet slightly more than some of my peers around me. Being away from home so many menial tasks can be relatively daunting for some people without their parents.

Taking a gap year allowed me to enter the world of work, be accountable with money that I had earned and gave me a chance to see the world without the pressure of a deadline or restriction of school holidays. I think for some people it can be a useful time for them to figure out what it is exactly they want to do in later life. With most other things in life it just depends on what the individual wants as to whether they will make the most of that time.

I definitely noticed with a lot of the friends I have at university there is a difference between those that have taken a gap year and those that haven't. The longer that term went on these diff erences seem to fade but they were quite prominent initially. I think that with the friends I have who have taken gap years they seem to have a slightly more practical attitude towards things and seemed a lot more comfortable entering the university environment with a years worth of life experience under their belt. However with my friends from home there is no obvious difference between those that have and haven't.

I think that the difference it can make is entirely down to the individual and their own personal goals and circumstances. The comments I have made are very general as everyone is very different but I do believe that a gap year is a good way for a perspective student to develop their character and their understanding of the working world.

Best Wishes, Serissa


