


「スイス交換留学中の私が今感じている  こと」



 現在、大学の交換留学制度を利用してスイスのチューリッヒ応用科学大学(ZHAW)に1年間留学中です。ZHAWは国立専門大学という部類に属し、専門分野の学習に加えて、実践的な教育に重点を置いています。総合大学のように様々な学部があって、私はSchool of Management and Lawで経営や金融を学んでいます。交換留学という制度によって、同時期に入学した他の大学生との間に、時間的のギャップが生まれるわけではありません。しかし、日本とは異なる国での経験やその経験による思考の変化は、「ギャップ」であると思います。







 また、彼らと日本について話すことは、今まで考えることがなかった日本の事柄を深く考えるきっかけにもなります。私は実際に、食文化やアニメといったソフトな話題から、宗教や戦争の歴史、外国人に対する考え方などハードなトピックまで話しています。当然、適当なことは言えませんし、うまく説明出来なかった時に、"I'm not sure."と質問に答えるのは何か不甲斐ないものです。私は、大学での勉強はもちろん、こういった勉強も海外留学において非常に重要な部分であると思います。





ブログ:Think Persistently (http://think-persistently.blogspot.com/)
    和して同せず。 ( http://ryugaku2011.blog.fc2.com/)

What I See And Feel In Switzerland Through My Studying Abroad
Harutoshi TANAKA

Studying in Switzerland on an exchange program
I'm studying in Zurich Universities of Applied Sciences, Switzerland (ZHAW) as an exchange student. ZHAW belongs to a national specialized university, where students can learn practical education adding to specialized fields. It has many kinds of major. My major is in the School of Management and Law, in which I learn business administration and finance. Thanks to the exchange studying system, there is no actual gap before graduation, compared with those who enrolled in the university in Japan at the same time with me. However the experiences and the change of thought by them literally mean "gap".

All classes are organized in English
I wanted to drive myself into a severe environment, which was why I chose to study here. All lectures are organized in English and I struggle with new technical words day by day. Though not all classmates speak English fluently, students around me have a very high ability of English and motivation for classes.

Swiss students' working experience before they go to university
Swiss students are very good at their own specialized fields because they finish vocational training (like internship), for example, at banks or other companies before they go to university. What I was overwhelmed by was the existence of exchange students. They are very determined when writing their thesis' to get a master degree so that they have much knowledge and take a very positive attitude.

The number of student in a class is small and the class is an active not passive learning environment
After absorbing knowledge in classes, there are occasions to present knowledge in presentations or group work. In my university, almost all classes are held in such a practical way and more so, the classes are held with a small number of people so we can't cut corners in our study. Seeing the range of ability between other students and myself, I'm putting my heart and soul into my studies. My dream is to play an active role abroad, so it's very good stimulus to go out of Japan and see possible future competitors.

The view for my future and Japan has changed by leaving Japan and gaining some distance from Japan.
I've been abroad several times, but the trips all took place within one month. During this stay in Switzerland, although I haven't been here more than three months yet, I've already noticed my change in viewpoint for my own future and Japan. This has occurred through overseas life spent with people from all over the world.
Talking with people who have many different backgrounds such as nationality, education, ethnicity or vocations, I have already seen changes in my previously fixed ideas. For example, when I ask people questions about their plans for their future career paths and employment, each time I hear something amazing or new. What was more impressive for me was that they are very proud of their native country. Any chance they have they like talking about their native country. I also try to talk about my native country Japan. There are very few opportunities to discuss such topics in Japan.

Viewing Japan from abroad is also effective for Japanese to notice charms of Japan.
When I talk with people abroad about Japan, I start to think deeply and seriously about Japan, thinking about things I haven't previously considered. I talk about soft topics such as cuisine culture or anime, and hard topics such as religion, war history or Japanese perception of foreigners. Of course I'm unable to explain something ambiguous and I feel it's a shame when I can't explain properly saying only "I'm not sure".

I think it's also important to know about my native country, study in a foreign university is of course important when studying abroad.
Thus, studying abroad can possibly develop a strong tendency for foreign life or overseas, but this is not always true. It's very comfortable to live in Japan. Japanese foods are very delicious and Japanese people are very heartwarming. I strongly notice these feelings while living in abroad, missing the home comforts of Japan. Therefore I feel it's effective for Japanese to look at Japan from overseas in order to see the attractiveness of Japan.

My plan is to take gap year by experiencing work after studying in Swiss
I'm excited to imagine that I will be able to encounter many differences of thought, and that I can absorb much knowledge during the rest of my stay in Switzerland. Though I take classes in English, I am trying to learn German because German is commonly spoken in Zurich.

My life in Switzerland finishes in July in 2012. After finishing there, I'm planning to register a long absence from university in order to take an internship abroad. I decided that I have to take an internship because I've seen and been affected by Swiss students, who have working experiences and a high consciousness for studying. I haven't decided on the company I wish to work for but I'm planning to work in Switzerland or Singapore.
I'm not concerned about having temporary gap in my studies at all, even though that gap may have some negatives, I'm sure there will be many more positives than negatives.

(Translated by Tatsuya YABUUCHI,A Visiting Fellow at the Gap Year Institute of JGAP)


(追記 2012年 12月10日)※A postscript:Japanese followed by English






Updated News

Presently, I have taken a leave of absence for half a year from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (Oita, Japan), as taking an internship in Chittagong, Bangladesh. In short, I have been attached to Chittagong Stock Exchange, several local banks, and a chartered accountancy firm in order to gain my knowledge in regard with foreign trade, foreign investment, and financial infrastructure in Bangladesh.

Occasionally, people ask me" what can you learn in this developing country? ". I would surely answer" In Bangladesh, there are a tremendous number of things I should learn, as well as things to be done".

(Translated by Harutoshi TANAKA)


