

「今行かないでいつ行く?インドネシア~私の1学期交換留学記」It's Time to Go to Indonesia Now!! ~ My Experience Note During One Semester Exchange Program ~ 佐藤さん.jpg

佐藤 公治

Koji Sato
Third -year student,
Department of Computer and Information Sciences,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

 インドネシアへの1学期交換留学(AIMSプログラム)が決まった。このプログラムの目的は,急成長中のASEAN を目の当たりにし,その中で発生する諸課題を協同で取り組むことができ,ASEAN と日本との架け橋になりうる「実践型グローバル人材」を育成することだ。
It was decided that I would study in Indonesia for one semester as an exchange student. The program name is AIMS Program which stands for ASEAN International Mobility for Students Program. The aim is to foster "practical global human resources" who can coorporate with the local people in order to try to solve problems and be the bridge between ASEAN and Japan after facing ASEAN's rapid growth.

While I was wondering whether I could be such a big person in the future or not, I did my best during the terms. As a result, I gained a strong motivation that I could realize that. I would like to introduce a person who made the factor and my approach which I conducted.

A classmate who has a side job!
I made a friend among classmates in the University for this program. He is an owner of food stall which sells Asian dishes. I asked him his story because the sale looked successful.
However he answered because the restaurant which he ran previously was unsuccessful, he tried it again at this time by changing the strategy. I felt something hot in my mind because of the figure who grasped customers' demand by transforming the adverse circumstance of previous business failure into his energy.
When I asked him why he never gave up tying his business although he had experienced the failure, he answered that it was because Indonesian people tended to do the whole way for something which they are interested in.

 一方,日本人は幼少の頃から受動的に何かを学ぶことに慣れていて,指示されれば,興味がないことも反抗せずに"すっ"とやってしまう傾向がある (もちろん個人差はあるだろうが)。また,「出る杭は打たれる」という型にはまった社会の風潮が広がる日本では,本当に興味があることに挑戦する気持ちが損なわれ,最初の一歩がなかなか踏み出せないのではと感じた。
On the other hand, Japanese people tend to struggle with something even if they are not interested in it because they are used to learn something passively since childhood. (Of course it depends on the people.) Furthermore I felt it was difficult for people in Japan, where the "Merit is envied" situation is spreading, to do the first step because they tend to lose the feeling to try something they are truly interested in.

A participation for Japan Festival in the area ~ Connected with a skill I gained
Those feelings motivated me to take part in "Bandung Japan Festival" which was a local Japan festival. In this festival participants opened their booth related to Japanese culture. I decided to sell Japanese foods with other three Japanese exchange students and Indonesian friends. We decided to sell "Niku-Jaga" which was an unfamiliar household dish in Indonesia because famous Japanese foods had already spread there.

A skill I gained out of necessity ~ Connected with the experience enhancing my motivation
We aimed to make the food taste and price match local people's tongue and reduce the cost because we wanted to produce a good result. Therefore we had to get ingredients with reasonable price. At that time I heard that we could get fresh ingredients with reasonable price in morning traditional markets and then I went there. The price was truly cheap. However it was still higher than the price with which we could get benefit.

At that time I came up with the strategy that was to bargain with sellers. I had to talk to them in Indonesian as they didn't speak English. Since then I was doing best for learning the bargain strategy from Indonesian friends and teachers in Indonesian language class and also reading an Indonesian language guidebook in free time.

Fortunately the price negotiation progressed smoothly and it was successful to reduce the cost maybe because my passion bore fruit. The earnings and expenses were improved. Furthermore in the festival day we sold "Niku-Jaga" more than our expectation. As a result, the "Niku-Jaga" was sold out and we got revenues. During this festival including preparation I learned that when we face necessity, we can turn on "our switch" to enhance our skills. At this time I could enhance my Indonesian language to take easy conversation with local people without hesitation because I was rushed with passion to reduce ingredients' cost. I thought that we could master the skill naturally if we perform with one theory: "Talking in Indonesian" not "Speaking Indonesian". The same thing may be said of speaking English.

After this exchange program, I did internship at marketing division in local game development company. I had to give a presentation in English after researching game markets. Through such an experience, the awareness of "thinking and talking in English" was rising. Therefore I felt my skill to speak English was improving.

"Everything wasn't always going well"
It might look that everything was going well because I only write smooth story until now. However of course it's not. Because of overheat I got sick in the important time when it turned off one month for the festival and I also had to study for my middle examination. In such a terrible situation the existence of "Niku-Jaga" members was so big for me. They handled the preparation for the festival earlier because I couldn't move a lot and they took care of me.
My condition got better naturally because I was moved by their willingness to prepare it. In the festival day I could do my best without giving up.
At first I intended to suggest ideas as soon as possible and involve friends. However from the middle a good cycle was generated because they also gave me motivation.

I want to say something in the end
The conclusion is that we should find not only outward matters which we face after seeing the environments and surface but also matters in characters which we feel after being interact with local people and their character.
In the end, I am approaching the problems about "preserving cultures" in which we interact with people. I have already started for that in Japan.
Indonesia gave me such an awesome motivation.
Why don't you go to Indonesia now?

東京農工大学工学部情報工学科3年 日常生活コンピューティング研究室所属: http://www.tuat.ac.jp/~fujinami/lab/Top_page.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/koji.sato.161


